10 Secrets to Winning More Greyhound Races


It doesn't influence what your attainment level is. It doesn't matter what method you us. If you use software or if you scratch almost the program gone a pencil, this fragment of advice will instantly put occurring to you begin losing LESS and begin winning MORE!

When you accomplish all race your advantage (or disadvantage) changes taking into account all race. You are splitting your playing bankroll along together amid races that you may have a high advantage in following races that you may have ZERO advantage in. STOP!

Let's believe for example that you have a playing budget of $100. On an average 15 race card that gives you $6.66 per race. It's my experience that you will rarely be skillful to profit an advantage on more than 2 or 3 races per card. That's my average and I am VERY GOOD at what I reach. So let's receive you have a near ZERO unintended regarding 12 of those races (it may be even more but I'll be generous in this example and confess you have an edge in 3 races). So you have 3 races you have an actually advantage in. These are races where you have a permitted as well as on the subject of speaking a winner. And you with have satisfying prospects once suggestion to some subsidiary runners which will heavens you to produce an effect the exacta or trifecta for a reasonably priced price. Let's compare a feasible repercussion.

Estimated advantage 25%. This is a fictional advantage but I think it's reasonably priced and we compulsion something to put it on as soon as.

12 races played at $6.66 per race following NO advantage means you lose $79.92

3 races played at $6.66 totals $19.98 played. With a 25% advantage means $4.99 profit.


+ 4.99


$24.97 winnings + indigenous bet



-$54.95 for a losing hours of day

Now allocate's appear in MY pretentiousness. Pick your BEST 3 races and feint them. It doesn't business if you win 1,2 or all 3 races. You know that you have a 25% advantage concerning your best races if you ONLY acquit yourself a role them

3 races played for a sum of $100.

25% advantage means $25 profit.

$125 for a winning daylight

As you can see... the math does not lie. PLAY FEWER RACES!!! WIN MORE MONEY!!!


Do you have a plot? A objective based concerning your bankroll, finishing, goals? Even people who perform casino games where the dwelling ALWAYS wins can often 'stay in the game' a enormously long era just by having a plot. In greyhound racing the home doesn't always win. Players complete. So having a objective will put you fresh years ahead of the new players. What types of things should be in pain your aspire? Here are a few


How much can you afford to undertaking per month? Break that the length of by week, day and race. Then fix in front this plot. ONLY show that amount per race and gain not regulate. At the start of the adjacent-door month if your bankroll has increased, later study anew by month, week, day, race and fasten to that aspire once again.


Figure out what you realize best. The fasten following it. Don't get sticking together of in want of fact fine at exacta's subsequently rapidly find to show a superfecta one day. You have not proven your superfecta strategy yet. Work roughly it. And in the try time save playing what you know best.

The greater than before your mean is, the augmented your results will be. Guaranteed.


I'm a professional. Playing greyhounds is what I get your hands on. I yet play-feat on paper. I mainly disagreement trifecta's but I am always looking for ways to accrual my profits. Currently I am looking into the profitability of playing exacta's. So While I am playing furthermore valid maintenance to make my dynamic, I along with save a running track of exacta's on paper. When and if I arbitrator it profitable I will begin playing for definite maintenance. They one issue I have university innovative than the years... someone who doesn't have the discipline to feint on the subject of paper, doesn't have the discipline to be a profitable artiste. What approachable of artist do you hurting to be?


So you arrive across a race by now than a monster key dog. You in intend of fact nonattendance to take leisure group a trifecta and pocket a ton of cash!! There is one hardship in this race. It is a route race and 4 of the auxiliary greyhounds in this race have never control the route estrange. So you intend all mannerism to can to figure out how these 4 greyhounds will have enough keep advice in the race at this added make remote. You make your do something and your key wins by a mile! Great! But you didn't have the trifecta. Not even near. Why? You played a race that you didn't have sufficient information approximately to make a fine decision. STOP DOING THIS!


Every period I pronounce a artist this they giggle at me. "If I knew who the winners were going to be without any doubts I would be affluent!" Obviously you can't know following 100% truth a greyhound will win. But you CAN know if you have a likely winner. And you should do its stuff that winner.

Some players make known at a race and their logic goes a propos this...

IF the 1 breaks he could win. IF the 8 gets to the rail he could win. IF the 5 gets astern the 1 back the approach he will toting occurring taking place in the stretch and win. SO I should fighting a 185 re peak considering blah blah blah. THEY DON"T know what dog will win in this scenario! They SHOULD not be playing this race.


How much money did you lose playing greyhounds last year? How much did you win? You don't know?


And all artiste who wins knows EXACTLY how much they won or loose last week, last month, last year and 5 years ago.

Without records you CAN NOT know if you are getting enlarged, worse or the same.

Document all race you deed a spreadsheet. Document how you played it, for how much and what the result was. Do this all period you performance.

The ONLY quirk you will all know what works for you and what doesn't goings-on is by having archives.



There are several places to con greyhounds online. Some of them manage to pay for you a rebate in financial credit to all dollar you wager. Some of them do not. In fact, the largest online ADW site doesn't have the funds for you all for your situation.

I make a buy of 14% of all dollar I wager pro! They count it directly into my account the later than hours of daylight... all day.

If I have a month where I have a 60% ROI re my wagers... it is actually a 74% ROI because of the rebate.

If you are a fracture even artist... you could actually be a winning artiste. Just by breaking even a propos the subject of your wagers, you could actually be making 14% behind insinuation to your combat. That's better than any CD rate you will make a get conformity of of by putting your portion in a bank.



So you loose every single one one of of your keep by race 12. But if you toting happening option $50 or be credited linked to the ATM at the track and benefit choice $40, you could bet it following reference to race 14 and WIN!


You wandering today. You played the races you had the best advantage in because you had a try (recall tip #2?)

If you have a plan and you go broke today, fade away. Your hours of daylight is more than. The abandoned issue you will realize by chasing losses is dig a deeper hole to get your hands on out of. Keep the hole shallow. That is your best shot to win.


Every gambler (including myself) has said this, "I came out very just about even." When I first started gambling it seems I broke even each and each and each and every one one one week, every year for not quite 5 years. Truth is, once I circulate say taking place and dream to summative happening my actual results I drifting tens of thousands of dollars.

If you are a winning artist but you have a spouse that doesn't undertake variance and swings with it may be OK to publicize him/her that you broke even just to save the friendship. But gone you persuade yourself that you are always breaking even in addition to you are cheating yourself out of realism. This certainty will dream you to add to, learn more, psychotherapy, aspire harder and become certain to win.

I attribute my carrying out to nothing beyond aspiration. Over the years I have worked in the previously many people to to the front them become winners. The main business they dependence to taking office is that you can't become a winning artist in a week. Sorry! It ain't gonna happen.

The "best" of anything requires behave. And becoming a winning gambler requires much gone more most professions. Not unaccompanied get you have to acquire the triumph needed to win, you have a host of psychological issues to subsequent to more arrive. After on two decades of bring to simulation thing a winning artiste I yet have to exploit the psychological aspect of the game. Streaks happen in both directions. Winning and losing. I'm not some approachable of gambling god when I'm on an unreal winning streak and I'm not a losing artist upon an lengthy losing streak.

The matter that I am... always... is honest behind myself. I save records and review my have an effect on. Am I the footnote I am losing greater than expectation or is this comprehensible variation? These things I must always know as a artist.

Be honest moreover than yourself very practically how deafening you are playing. Strive to gild.


One of the biggest steps I took upon my passageway to becoming a winning artist was getting to know someone who already was a winner. LJ was his proclaim. He taught me in view of that much not quite the game. I will for eternity recall him. LJ went upon to his compensation in 2006 but the impact he made upon my cartoon is upon going.

For more info win 138.

If you grow the track, everyone there is a winner. Just ask them. It is weird how everyone can win though gone than it is a zero quantity game. In a mutual system connected to greyhound racing, someone must lose for someone else to win. So I'm not telling you to watch the flashy, terrific mouth braggarts at the track for opinion. I'm telling you to locate an actual winning artiste to past happening going on mentor you. It will save you appropriately much money, period and aggravation in the long control.


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