How to Create a Video From Your Essay

 This is a simplified, step by step process for you to be responsive to make a video from your powerful message.

These are the items you will mannerism to begin: An essay/credit/message, Computer, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Windows Live Movie Maker, and an account as soon as YouTube.

1. Create your essay/bank account/declaration - This is important. It is vital to write your declaration first or at least have an outline of the proclamation.

2. Choosing music can be a little more hard. You don't have to have music but it does create the video much more powerful. The most important issue to recall; Music typically is copyrighted and unless you have entry you can't use it for your video. It doesn't situation that you aren't making keep from it. There are some websites out there that sell copyright clear music and a few websites that have set loose, copyright set discharge music. When you have the music you longing to use, download to your computer making note of where it is saved

For more info stychapp.

3. Open PowerPoint Presentation - You can be as creative as you subsequent to but know that what you in reality tormented feeling is to set happening each slide to be transferred to Windows Live Movie Maker. None of the animations or music can be transferred. You will photograph album them future in Windows Live Movie Maker. On the flip side, in W.L.M.M. you will be in leisure doings with pictures of the slides, you won't be able to buy used to any words, pictures or backgrounds.

To create more slides: Highlight a slide by selecting it plus press enter.

The important tabs you will be using: Home, Design and Slide Show.

Decide a propos color, art, scrape art, photographs, and word placement. Of course not using any copyrighted material. Don't be the matter amid approximately timing at this stage but it is wise not to put too many words per page. You can use the slide discharge adherence feature to profit a feel for how things are flowing but truly, don't be the matter in the middle of about timing.

4. When you are finished creating all the slides that you nonappearance: Go to Save As, click very just about Other Formats, click arrow Save as Type, choose - PNG Portable Network Graphics Format, declare it what you goal and pick Save. It is going to create a stamp album considering each slide saved separately. Pay attention to where that book is for that gloss that you can locate it. Also there will be a bin pop occurring asking if you nonappearance to save just current slide or all slides. You deficiency to maintain all slides.



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