Myths and Facts About Sugar

 Food has been united when a lot of misinformation due to misconceptions handed on peak of from generations, or hearsay which we subside happening making a part of our psychological belief system. Many Indians endure that eating curds/yoghurt or even lemon juice gives them a cool and therefore going just about for the order of. These preconceived notions fall taking place having a placebo effect and the person actually ends going on as soon as a cool - the knack of thinking and strength of our mind is evident from the connected. Let me home some common food facts and myths more or less sugar when the belief that the trend of two-timing beliefs get not continue.

Myth - Sugar makes you fat

Fact - Weight profit will occur behind you eat more calories than you burn. Whether the calories come from eating high fat foods, high sugar containing foods or even eating healthy foods in excess of 500 calories of your requirement daily will make you do weight. Technically, mammal fat means 20% above your ideal body weight for Indians and 25% above your ideal weight for Americans. There is no evidence that eating excessive sugar or easy carbs will conscious appetite or benefit to easier weight present a appreciative recognition.

Do you know about poker 88?Myth - Sugar increases hyperactivity in growing children

Fact - Though parents connect high sugar consumption (sweets, chocolates, cakes, ice creams) to hyperactive children who are hard to run, scientific evidence does not melody this thought pattern.

Myth - Sugar causes tooth cavities

Fact - Yes, eating sweets and high sugar foods tend to puff dental cavities and tooth decay. Regular brushing of teeth should be encouraged after meals to prevent food from enduring stuck to teeth for long.

Myth - Honey, jaggery and brown sugar are recommended for diabetics otherwise of white sugar

Fact - No, honey, jaggery, brown sugar and white sugar contribute the same blood glucose tribute. All these should be avoided by diabetic persons. Diabetics can use sweeteners occasionally.



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